New swift and bat column launched


Edward Mayer of Swift Conservation writes:

Swift Conservation launched our new “Swift & Bat Column” at the Bird Fair last weekend. This new design was conceived to replicate two things, the tree nest places that Swifts are known to use in Scotland, Poland and Scandinavia, and the latest type of tubular mobile phone mast. As such it is designed to merge imperceptibly into the modern urban and industrial landscape. With thousands of such phone masts sprouting up all over the UK and Europe, a few more for Swifts will not raise much objection. Well, that is our hope!

We also hope that Swifts & Bats will find the timber-lined accommodation attractive. An automatic Swift call player is built into the Column, as Swifts are colonial nesters and are therefore attracted to nest where other swifts are calling. A camera to monitor the nests can be included if required. Erecting it is just the same as putting up a street light, so no problems there. For more details of the column, see this prospectus (PDF 5MB).

The first Swift & Bat Column is being set up outside Stratford railway station in East London, and it should be ready for next year’s Swift arrivals.

If you need more information please e-mail Swift Conservation.

Header photo: Swift by David Darrell-Lambert/Bird Brain UK


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