The Ecology and Conservation Studies Society at Birkbeck University of London is running another free lecture series in spring 2016. Lectures will be held on six Friday evenings between 5 February and 11 March.
Species conservation is embedded in national and international regulations, but does this achieve good representation of biodiversity? For example, invertebrates are not well catered for, let alone many fungi. Can we conserve the Great Crested Newt by translocation without providing for maintenance of both the ponds and terrestrial habitat that it needs? Or does the protection of species such as the Violet Click-beetle act as a flagship to conserve the whole suite of veteran tree biota? Are Red Data Book species the best indicators or flagships of biodiversity value, or should we rather examine concepts like “ecological engineers”. What of widespread species that may be declining un-noticed? This series examines the questions around the protection of threatened species.
These free public lectures are suitable for those who may be considering, or undertaking, university courses in ecology, biological conservation or related subjects. They will also interest environmental and ecological
practitioners, natural historians, wildlife organisations and anyone with an interest in natural history and wildlife.
All lectures are from 18:30 to 20:00 in Lecture Theatre B35, Birkbeck, University of London, Torrington Square.
5 February: “To protect or not to protect? Extinction risk, Red Lists and the agony of choice” Monika Böhm, Indicators & Assessments Unit, Institute of Zoology.
12 February: “Stinking Hawk’s-beard, species recovery – the inside story” Brian Ferry, Royal Holloway University of London.
19 February: “Red-listing the English flora – a better approach to conservation prioritisation?” Fred Rumsey, Natural History Museum.
26 February: “Has being a European Protected Species helped the great crested newt?” Brian Banks, MIEEM, Director, Flag Ecology.
4 March: “The return of the native; the reintroduction of the short-haired bumblebee” Nikki Gammans, Bumblebee Conservation Trust.
11 March: “Action for Species – the RSPB’s Species Recovery Programme” Hannah Ward, RSPB.
A reading list will be available later. To receive this, please email the Ecology & Conservation Studies Society, consult the Birkbeck website, or pick up a copy at one of the lectures.
Header photo: Great Crested Newts (Michelle Sinden)