London Butterfly Project


Mapping the distribution of butterfly species in London

The London Natural History Society is this year running the London Butterfly Project, a survey of the distribution of butterflies in London. To achieve good coverage, the project is seeking records from London’s green spaces; and also from urban, suburban and residential estates; private gardens, the street scene and as seen during commuting.

Results will provide a comparison with a survey undertaken in 1980-1986; and provide information to Londoners to help conserve butterflies and habitat for other species in London.

The London Natural History Society is working with the environmental records centre Greenspace Information for Greater London (GiGL), and other organisations concerned with butterflies, conservation, recording, parks and gardens.

So when you see butterlfies this year, please send in your records to contribute to this important project. Records are welcome in a range of formats. For full details of how to submit records, see this information sheet.

Header photo: Common Blue (John Archer)


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