Local spider expert Edward Milner writes:
My regular surveys of spiders and beetles in Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park and Mile End Park have reavealed six additions to the Cemetery Park list, and two at Mile End Park. These have all been identified by beetle expert Norman Heal.
New beetles in Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park
Anthicus antherinus (see photo above) is a tiny, beautiful ant-like flower beetle in the family Anthicidae, trapped on Scrapyard Meadow in May 2019. Anthicus species are omnivorous, eating pollen and also (very) small insects like small springtails and possibly juvenile spiders. We already had a much rarer species, A. scoticus, recorded from the green roof of the Soanes Centre.
The Brassy Flea Beetle (Chaetocnema concinna) is a very common and widespread flea beetle of the family Chrysomelidae, which feeds on plants of the cabbage family (Brassicaceae). One was trapped at the east end of the Scrapyard Meadow in June 2019.
Phyllobius viridaeris is a common, bright green weevil in the family Curculionidae. It feeds on leaves of a wide variety of herbaceous plants, and its larvae feed on the roots. One was trapped at Lodge Graves in June 2019.
The Dusky Ladybird (Scymnus interruptus) is a fairly common, small ladybird of the family Coccinellidae. It is carnivorous, preying mostly on on aphids. One was swept from flowers at Lodge Graves in August 2019.
Margarinotus ventralis is a very small clown beetle of the family Histeridae. Clown beetles are so-called because of their habit of feigning death when disturbed. They are predatory on very small insects. One was trapped near the Soanes Centre in May 2019.
Cytilus sericeus is a small, common and widely distributed pill-beetle in the family Byrrhidae. It feeds on moss. Pill beetles can tuck their legs into grooves so they look like little pills when disturbed! One was trapped near the Soanes Centre in May 2019.
These six additions bring the total number of beetles recorded at Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park to a very impressive 459 species.
New beetles in Mile End Park
Agriotes acuminatus is a rather attractive, largish black and brown click beetle in the family Elateridae. The long, very thin larvae are called wireworms. It is common and widespread.
Bembidion obtusum is a small black ground beetle in the family Carabidae. It is a common and widespread species.
These additions bring the Mile End Park beetle list to 445 species (the list linked here needs a little updating).
Header photo: Anthicus antherinus This image is created by user Dick Belgers at waarneming.nl, a source of nature observations in the Netherlands. CC BY-3.0