Rory Harding of Trees for Cities writes:
Telecommunications company New World Payphones is working with charity Trees for Cities to plant a tree on or beside a local street for every new phone box they install. With 20 phones installed in Tower Hamlets during the year, Trees for Cities organised two planting days in October to plant 20 trees.
The first event was at EastendHomes’ Glamis Estate, where staff from New World Payphones joined Trees for Cities staff to plant seven trees along the edge of the estate below Gordon House (see photos above and left). The second event, in conjunction with Tower Hamlets Homes, saw over 30 local residents, including children (see photo below) gather to help plant ten trees around the edge of Shadwell Estate. The remaining three trees will be planted somewhere on an EastendHomes estate in the New Year.
The trees included native Small-leaved Limes, and fruit-bearing Lebanese Wild Apple and Hybrid Cockspur Thorn, which will benefit wildlife as well as local people.
All photos by Trees for Cities