There was fun for all the family at Mudchute on the Thursday before Easter, as Froglife launched the new ponds, created last autumn as part of the Dragon Finder project. Pond-dipping was top of the agenda, with dozens of local children finding newts, tadpoles, shrimps, damselfly larvae, hoglice, ramshorn snails and a water-strider.
The Easter Bonnet competition (above) run by Mudchute Nursery attracted lots of wonderful entries, and the Easter Egg Hunt was well-attended.
There were opportunities to get close to some of the farm’s resident animals, as well as two visiting birds of prey, a Barn Owl (left) and a Peregrine.
Hand-painting (below) also proved popular, with many children proudly displaying a temporary tattoo of their favourite amphibian or reptile.
All photos by Justine Aw