Tree planting charity, Trees for Cities, has received funding from the Tesco Charity Trust Community Award towards creating an exciting woodland playscape for the children of Lansbury Lawrence Primary school. The carefully designed scheme features both dead wood and living trees to encourage healthy eating, creative play and outdoor learning.
Fruiting species such as apple, plums, mulberry and red currants (see photo left) will provide homegrown healthy snacks. Other berry-bearing trees and shrubs such as hawthorn, cherry plum and juneberry will provide excellent forage for local wildlife.
Recycled logs and timber will be put to huge variety of uses such as beetle loggeries, tree tee-pees, climbing and stepping logs (see header photo).
For more information about the project and Trees for Cities’ work please visit the Trees for Cities website. Or, to discuss a tree planting project at your school or estate or contact Rowan Schnauer by e-mail or on 020 7820 4418.